just chillin me being me.

Age 39, Male


high school.

New york ny

Joined on 11/3/06

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Punisher33's News

Posted by Punisher33 - June 15th, 2012

Today is the release of the rise of chaos episode 1. now i will warn you. i have a lot of custom animation in this so if things are glitchy that's why. i will be doing a lot of recoloring for episode 2. if i can have my way they will be 3d modles all of them. including regular people. so enjoy episode 1. ask and ye shal receave. a lot will happen in this series. i won't say what though. but a lot will happen. it took me a good couple of months to make sure i had everything as good as i can get it. so please if your going to critcise. don't be mean about it. thank you for your patients and enjoy episode 1.

Posted by Punisher33 - June 13th, 2012

For any one who has Sync issues here is how you fix them. http://www.keyframer.com/2009/01/28/flash-sound-

This will fix any mp3 or wav sync problems and will correct the time line.

Posted by Punisher33 - June 3rd, 2012

It's going to be released soon. I'm doing two versions. one with voice acting. the other with out it. i will let you guys decide which one to go on. i will make the voice acting one personal and will be on my facebook page for my friends. this series will explain who maverick Jeremy merlin joseph are. how they met the z fighters and washu. i won't give away anything from my series. that's the only hint. this sereis will get intense. not much fighting sense people ask for origins so there will be flash backs and talking. there won't be much action in the very beginning. not till later on in the series will the real action begin. I won't say who. but a sailor scout dies.

Posted by Punisher33 - May 29th, 2012

so far i have messed with sprites from different worlds when i started messing with movie clip. there is a worlds difference This is why i don't like the mario style or sonic style sprites. when they do the walking it's already 100 percent different. i'm using i think 32 bit style sprites. they look way different. it's probably why people see things different. i even tampered with pokemon sprites in movie clip samples. same thing. not bashing pokemon. some of the pokemon stuff on this site are okay except one. it's not too ran to death like mario sonic cross over now granted. i'm not bashing any spriter. but there are worlds differences with style. this is why i don't like fads. cause when people who are working out side that realm of what's normal in the spriting community i'm not bashing any one. i'm just giving my opinion as a spriter my self.

This is why it's not a good thing to do something because it's trendy. because people get too used to one thing and there afraid of something different and unknown. cause the person could bust his ass to make it look the best and when it's not what a big group of people want. it goes down the tube. no matter how great it could look. no matter how cool the graphics are. it goes right out the window. mainly cause it's not a fad. and it's rather sad that that happens. that's just human mentality.

Posted by Punisher33 - May 12th, 2012

Posted by Punisher33 - May 11th, 2012

If you give a character away at the very beginning what's the point of asking questions of who are they. where did they come from and you just want stuff at the very beginning. what's the point of doing original stuff instead of building up to it. even if that means extra seasons. ya know. think about it guys. why know right away where the intense stuff comes into play later on.

Posted by Punisher33 - May 9th, 2012

Your new world order. will lead to none at all. Love gamma ray.

Posted by Punisher33 - May 3rd, 2012

my stuff i reconstruct from nothing using 3ds max. photo shop and ms paint. and i have friends of mine on here and deviant as whitnesses. part of the reason why i bash the sonic people is cause they steal there stuff from alvin. i re create scenes and make stuff from nothing. from nothing. that's more than any of the theiefs can say. my people can verify this. the sonic mario people steal. i don't. i have some scenes i have from the sailor moon games. but if i need something i ask one of my boys to help me make it. or i do it on my own. unlike a lot of the people who steal from every one. about 95 percent of what i have is constructed from nothing. so. gotta give me credit where credit is do.

Programs i use.

3ds max.

Photo shop.


i'm going through the gandi faze. first they ignore you. than they attack you. than they support you. gotta give me a credit where credit is due. at least my storys are not stolen from smbz mine are my own creations from real life events. especially in my new series. it's going to educate at the same time entertain. my cross over is lame. how about the sonic mario constant cross overs that get done. alot of the flash animation on here also is stolen from other flash animations or cartoons. my stories most scenes and some characters are completely original. that's more than any one else can say about there own stuff. sooner or later i will do my own from scratch. with new characters the works. so. keep up the attacks cause with out me. you guys ant gonna be talking about any one. i love the attacks. I love it i really do.

Posted by Punisher33 - May 2nd, 2012

I'm getting voices together from youtube to help me in my quest to get an award winning seires. the rise of chaos will be my best work to date. i hope the voices i asked to join in say yes. cause this will kick major ass.

Posted by Punisher33 - May 2nd, 2012
