so far i have messed with sprites from different worlds when i started messing with movie clip. there is a worlds difference This is why i don't like the mario style or sonic style sprites. when they do the walking it's already 100 percent different. i'm using i think 32 bit style sprites. they look way different. it's probably why people see things different. i even tampered with pokemon sprites in movie clip samples. same thing. not bashing pokemon. some of the pokemon stuff on this site are okay except one. it's not too ran to death like mario sonic cross over now granted. i'm not bashing any spriter. but there are worlds differences with style. this is why i don't like fads. cause when people who are working out side that realm of what's normal in the spriting community i'm not bashing any one. i'm just giving my opinion as a spriter my self.
This is why it's not a good thing to do something because it's trendy. because people get too used to one thing and there afraid of something different and unknown. cause the person could bust his ass to make it look the best and when it's not what a big group of people want. it goes down the tube. no matter how great it could look. no matter how cool the graphics are. it goes right out the window. mainly cause it's not a fad. and it's rather sad that that happens. that's just human mentality.