Substance over style (for me) - you gotta candy coat everything in the beginning to get people to watch... it's the American way, unfortunately.
just chillin me being me.
Age 39, Male
high school.
New york ny
Joined on 11/3/06
Substance over style (for me) - you gotta candy coat everything in the beginning to get people to watch... it's the American way, unfortunately.
To be honest. i feel i'm the only true cultured person in this country. cause out side of you right now for being honest. fallowing trends is a bad thing man. it's what leads people to think that there not creative at all. why should i do what the majority am i selfish for trying to get people to be creative on there own and if they truly like his work for them to learn how to do it. but not copy what he did. but to make there own? does it make me selfish?
You guys can be so much more if you put your minds to it. if you broke that spell that you have to fallow trendy and cool. you can accomplish so much with your own creativity. like i'm doing. this takes true balls and courage. to do something you like and fuck what people gotta say.
I like sexy and cool.