This newgrounder is turning 25 man. this is some shit. who thinks they gonna see 25 years. not too many people cause they don't look that far ahead. at least in my area.
just chillin me being me.
Age 39, Male
high school.
New york ny
Joined on 11/3/06
Posted by Punisher33 - February 27th, 2011
This newgrounder is turning 25 man. this is some shit. who thinks they gonna see 25 years. not too many people cause they don't look that far ahead. at least in my area.
Wow fail attempt at getting back at me for nothing. For one, DeDeDe's minions isnt out yet, And 2 the message I left you is private about your submission so double fail for you. Secondly how can you say I'm the only one who does not think so when no one has even bothered to leave you feedback to your video out of over 300 views and 200 votes? It even has a below average rating so far and dropping. What I said to you was not to be mean but out of wanting you to listen and help you. Even Jareth and Chris felt it was rushed and out of sync with the music you picked. you had many stretched images and you need to keep all the scenes consistent with one another both in background size and character size. You need ot learn to need to learn to take constructive criticism cause people on this site will eat you up and spit you out.
dude. i ment it. i watched it ok. you need to practice voice work. you seriously do. hell i imitate voices for fun. i know what i'm talking about. was no pathetic attempt. i'm telling you from one voice actor to another. i do that shit for fun. you tried to make a puny profit off it. i know what i'm talking about. and if you don't the site will do the same to you. and don't worrie if my shit gets voted down i will have it traced to you and i will have your shit voted down too. i know my fare share of people. don't worrie. not to mention i can ask admin's to trace what started it so don't be stupid and try to scare me with your pathetic attempts on redemption.
You did not read anything I put down did you? I said I was not being mean in what I said, and its impossible for you to have seen the new DeDeDes minions cause ITS NOT FINISHED AND NOT ON ANY SITES YET. ITS NOT DUE TO BE UP TILL NEXT YEAR SO STOP THE LIES.
You really need to work more on your animations, many of the sprites were stretched out and not animated at a high enough frame rate. The flying scene needs some serious work too cause it looked half ass... Just pray that it gets through the votes.
see. your the only one so far who think's it's half ass. thats because your character is not in charge. ok, i understand your playbook. i know how you think. i know whats going on. get over it already. okay. because i have this labled under sprite sections. and there not streched out. there even. it only looks that way to you because your character is not in charge. so just deal with it.