I wish i knew what that one thing was when it comes to animation. i have all the basics down. but when it comes to that one thing it drives me crazy and it makes me obsessive. and the main reason why i blast main stream stuff is because it made alvin earth worm quit and i hated that. i really do.
Maybe it's that thing called "Listening to advice from others instead of ignoring them"?
i do my best to listen to advice i truly do. my animations compared to where i was a year ago this makes that look like a cake walk compaird to now. i learned so much from every one. i feel i have something original because on newgorunds the only time when you see sailor moon and dbz together is if there fucking and i think it's wrong. go check it out your self. and animation's that do get 5 4 stars look jumpy and skippy. i wish i knew what that one thing was.